Hello... Again

 Hello. It has been a while since I have written something for this blog. 2 years to be exact. This started out as an assignment for a class, which then became something that I enjoyed as I continued on. When the class was over, I sort of just forgot about it. Recently, I have thought of reviving this blog, and I thought as a way to start things off, I would do a catch-up of what has been going on.

Since my last post, a lot has happened in my life. I completed my associate's degree in Liberal Arts in May of 2020. It is one of my proudest accomplishments, considering that it was right in the middle of a pandemic. My school was able to have a socially distanced commencement ceremony in September of 2020, for which I was super grateful. I applied to a local 4-year university last summer and I got accepted. I have now completed my first year at my new school and I am a Cinema and Media Arts major. How fitting. I really have found my calling with cinema and I am truly happy. I have no idea what I want to do within the field but I know that I am heading in the right direction, which is super important. Completing my first year during a pandemic was super challenging. Zoom became normal and I was more stressed than I had ever been but I pushed through with my awesome support system. Here's to hoping I can have some classes on campus this upcoming fall semester.

As far as movie-watching goes, 2019 was pretty good but 2020 was an even better year. I ended up watching a total of 139 movies in 2020, which is absolutely mind-blowing. This included mostly first-time watches mixed in with some rewatches and some short films. Being in the middle of a pandemic allowed me to watch a lot of movies that were excellent. Some of them became my all-time favorites. If you want to know what some of those movies were, stay tuned to an upcoming post to hear all about it.

In 2021, my movie-watching has been okay but not nearly as great as last year. I have seen about 59 movies this year, which include a lot of first-time watches with some rewatches thrown in like last year. I have still seen some excellent movies this year, partly because I took a class at my university called History of Film. It covered films and historical background from 1945 to the present day. It is one of my favorites, yet hardest, class that I have taken in college so far. I was exposed to some outstanding movies that I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Look out for a post coming in the near future about that. Besides that class, the problem that I am having now is remembering what other films I watched before July of this year, even though I have a Letterboxd account that tracks it all. It seems to be more of a surprise than an actual memory. After my class got over, I tried to sit and watch some movies that I thought that I would enjoy but after 30 minutes, I wouldn't be in the mood anymore. It has been so disheartening so I've just taken a break from watching movies. In July, I only watched 1 movie, which is crazy. I'm hoping that for the rest of the year, I can fall in love with new stories and reignite my passion for film.

I have some loose plans with this blog as I am trying to get back into it again. This may include film reviews, lists, monthly wrap-ups of what I have watched, award show reactions towards movies, and whatever else I want to write about. I'm still thinking but this is a loose outline for what I want to do moving forward. If you have any ideas, feel free to let me know in the comments below. I'm excited to be returning to my blog again but I'm nervous at the same time. I'm just reminding myself that this is something fun and when it isn't is when I'll stop.


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